International Week: IMT Mines Albi welcomes partners from around the world
This week IMT Mines Albi celebrates International Week, an event dedicated to the school's international partners.

IMT Global Partners Forum at IMT Mines Albi, attended by some 40 international partners
Nearly 40 academic partners from the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) were present at IMT Mines Albi for the IMT Global Partners Forum on September…

IMT Mines Albi 2024 French Summer School: make the most of the summer to improve your French!
Experience a unique immersion at IMT Mines Albi, the leading engineering school of the Institut Mines-Télécom.

Campus France renews Welcome to France 2-star label for IMT Mines Albi
The “Welcome to France” label, created by Campus France in 2018, distinguishes establishments that develop and enhance welcome services for…

Santiago, Jareny and Valentina, winers of the eiffel excellence scholarship program
Congratulations to our 3 winers of the Eiffel excellence scholarship program

Valentina Castro Puerta winner of the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program
The Eiffel scholarship program developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs enables French schools to attract the best international…

Jareny Flores Zamudio winner of the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program
The Eiffel Scholarship program was developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and allows French higher education institutions to…

Santiago JARAMILLO RAMÍREZ winner of the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program
The Eiffel Scholarship program, developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, allows French schools to attract the best…

IMT Mines Albi winner of the 'Bienvenue en France' Label
IMT Mines Albi is proud to have been awarded the label “Bienvenue en France” at a two-star level, certifying the quality of services' packages…