MS Be +

Energy-Plus Building

Type of diploma: Advanced Master

Entry requirement: Master 1, conditional

Field: thermal energy in buildings

Accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE)


A one-year training to become expert in reducing the environmental impact in the field of construction and renovation.

Sustainable construction, thermal building, energetic transition

Bandeau infos BE+ ENG 2022

Bandeau infos BE+ ENG 2022, par jfages

Applications for the 2024 school year are closed



    The Energy-plus building advanced master deals with energy management in the field of construction and renovation (thermal energy in buildings) and reducing the impact of buildings on the climate (sustainable construction). It aims to train engineers capable of designing low-consumption buildings (BBC) or with low carbon positive energy (E+C-).

    The course provides the keys and tools required to meet the expectations and requirements required by the implementation of the recommendations issued by the Grenelle Environment Forum, the energy transition act for green growth and the AGEC law, anti-waste for a circular economy, applied to buildings, in terms of thermal energy and eco-design.

    This master is in the 8th position of the Eduniversal 2021 ranking of the masters "Energies - Renewable energies". Learn more

     Are you interested in the BE+ advanced master?



    • Standard tuition fees: 12 500€
    • Reduced tuition fees: 6 500€
      • for young graduates*
      • for job seekers**
      • for anyone financing the training from their own resources.

    *Young graduates are candidates who have obtained the required level of studies in the same year or in the previous year and who have not had an employee activity on a permanent contrat (CDI).

    **Job seekers are candidates registered at Pôle Emploi (or equivalent for non-residents in France) when submitting the application and willing to finance their training with their personal ressources.


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    For job seekers registered at the Pôle Emploi agency in France and who have graduated for at least 2 years, the training is likely to be fully financed by the Occitanie region thanks to the ForPro Sup program.



    This course is open to students coming from civil engineering and energy engineering backgrounds, holding one of the following diplomas/levels:

    • Engineering diploma accredited by the Engineering qualifications Commission
    • 2-year Master University degree
    • 1-year Master ans three years of professional experience
    • Foreign diploma of equivalent level 


    The language level required in French is B2 for non-French speaking candidates.

    Applications for the 2024 school year are closed



    Opening of the application platform: October 14, 2023. 5 application sessions will be organized from December to June 2024.

    Deadlines for submitting an application for each session are:

    • Session 1: December 15, 2023
    • Session 2 : January 14, 2024
    • Session 3: February 25, 2024
    • Session 4: March 31, 2024
    • Session 5: May 5, 2024
    • Session 6: June 1, 2024

    International students are encouraged to apply to one of the first two sessions to allow them, in the case of admission, the necessary time to complete the administrative procedures for the visa application.



    Campus Jarlard, 81 013 ALBI. Training is also provided on the IMT Nord Europe campus.

  • The course involves hours of classes, hours of project work and 6 months of in-company training in the following fields:

    Theoretical and practical teaching is organised into 4 main Teaching Units (UE)

    UE 1 Bioclimatic architecture, thermal comfort and environment

    • Bioclimatic architecture
    • Comfort and thermal transfer
    • Quality of internal air
    • Eco-design, sustainable materials and lifecycle analysis
    • Building acoustics

    UE 2 Physics, dynamic thermal modelling of the building envelope and BIM

    • Thermal behaviour of a building and modelling, methods and tools, Dynamic Thermal Simulation, Thermal Regulations, 2012
    • Dimensioning energy systems
    • BIM

    UE 3 Urban energy systems and energy management

    • Energy efficiency of low consumption buildings
    • Thermal renovation of buildings
    • Renewable energy applied to building
    • Passive-energy buildings
    • Eco-neighbourhoods
    • Urban energy management

    UE 4 Stakes for energy and the environment

    • Introduction to renewable energy
    • Techno-economic analysis
    • Life cycle assessment
    • Geographic information system
    • Serious Game Carbon
    • Visits and conferences

    Scientific and technical project

    Renovation project of an existing building, owned by a local authority or an association. This project, tutored by teacher-researchers from IMT Mines Albi, places the students, grouped together in trinomials or quadrinoms, in a role of assistance to project management.

    Professional thesis (25 weeks)

    To complete the educational programme and validate the course, a period of in-company training (or professional thesis) of 6 months is also required with the aim of putting into practice the capability of appreciating an industrial problem in the widest possible manner: scientific, economic, organisational, relational, human, etc.

    Would you like to know the detailed program of the Master BE+?

    Consult the detailed program of teaching units

    After completing their “Energy-Plus Building” SM, graduates are in a position to take up jobs with a high level of responsibility in R&D, study and design, project management, building-site monitoring, etc.

    • Study and design

      • Thermal calculations required by regulations and thermal dynamic simulation tools
      • Dimensioning of optimized energy installations
      • Definition of the building (design/adaptation)
      • Assistance to construction project managers and architect
    • Project and/or construction site manager:

      • Coordinating the interventions of different trades
      • Definition and validation of adaptations for rehabilitating existing buildings
      • Inspection of completed works in accordance with regulations

    Applications for the 2024 school year are closed