Incoming students

IMT Mines Albi is an Engineering Grande Ecole that was created in 1993.

For 25 years, it has trained engineers, generalists and doctoral students who are able to adapt to the demands of the industrial world and the challenges of tomorrow, according to its 4 areas of expertise:

  • Materials and processes for aeronautics and space
  • Bio-health and powder engineering
  • Biomass engineering and Renewable Energy
  • Organization dynamics

Varied opportunities

Whatever your talents or desires, IMT Mines Albi offers a variety of training programs.





Training language

Engineering degree

4 to 6 semesters

Bachelor's degree in Science or Engineering



4 semesters

Bachelor's degree in Science or Engineering


Master of Science

3 semesters Master 1 or a 4-year Bachelor's degree in Science, Engineering or Management English
Advanced Master 2 semesters Master 1 or Master 2 in Science or Engineering English


3 years Master's degree French or English


Academic exchanges on one or two semesters and double diplomas may be envisaged by students depending on the agreement that the school signed with the international partner university.