Integrate our network
IMT Mines Albi is firmly rooted in the local, national and international economic and industrial network.
More than 1500 companies support the school, welcoming trainees, entrusting projects to students, participating in juries, engaging in partnerships and recruiting our graduates.
IMT Mines Albi's mission is to foster the development of companies and support them in their innovation process. To this end, the school is committed to meeting the needs of companies through educational and research activities.
With three high-level research and training centers, IMT Mines Albi welcomes and accompanies each company, trains engineers to meet the expectations of the business world and contributes to innovation through excellence seeking:
RAPSODEE - Albi Research in Process Engineering of Divided Solids, Energy, Environment UMR CNRS 5302
ICA-A, l’Institut Clément Ader - Albi focused on the mechanics of materials, processes, structures and systems, particularly for the aeronautics and space industries.
CGI - Centre Génie Industriel is concerned with the kinetics of organizations for the development of methods and decision support tools in heterogeneous, collaborative and uncertain contexts.