2022 U-Multirank ranking: IMT Mines Albi rises to 4th place among French institutions

IMT Mines Albi clearly progresses in the U-Multirank ranking initiated by the European Commission.

24 June 2022

A first presence in the French Report

The U-Multirank 2022 ranking is out!
By rising to 4th position of the 123 French higher education establishments present, IMT Mines Albi is mentioned in the French Report for the first time.


A double first entry for IMT Mines Albi

  • In the top 5 of French institutions

4th French institution out of 123, in number of maximum grades A [10th out of 54 in 2020]

  • In the top 10 of European institutions

10th European institution out of 1144 in number of maximum grades A [52nd out of 1070 in 2020]



Our school of engineering ranks among the 5 French institutions having obtained the highest number of maximum marks (A) out of the 123 listed French institutions; and among the 10 European universities with the highest number of maximum marks (A) out of 1144 referenced European universities.

A clear progression in the ranking

After the first entry of IMT Mines Albi in the ranking in 2020, the U-Multirank highlights the quality of teaching at our school, which is still improving thanks to 2 new indicators rated at the maximum grade A this year:

  • the qualification of our teaching staff
  • the gender balance.

The expertise of our training and research centers in terms of scientific publications per researcher, the ability to mobilize private funding, as well as our international orientation effort (in particular thanks to the share of our international teachers and doctoral students) are also highlighted.


See detailed results for IMT Mines Albi

The school therefore obtains 16 times the maximum score on the following indicators:

  • Teaching & Learning: 5 A out of 8 score

    • Bachelor graduation rate

    • Graduating on time (bachelors)

    • Graduating on time (masters)

    • Pedagogiacally skilled teaching staff

    • Gender balance

  • Research : 5 A sur 11 notes

    • Research publications (size-normalised)
    • External research income
    • Interdisciplinary publications
    • Post-doc positions
    • Professional publications
  • Knowledge Transfert : 3 A sur 9 notes

    • Income from private sources
    • Co-publications with industrial partners
    • Income from continuous professional development
  • International orientation : 2 A sur 6 notes

    • International academic staff

    • International doctorate degrees

  • Régional Engagement : 1 A sur 6 notes

    • Regional Publications with Industrial Partners


The U-Multirank criteria, a demanding ranking

The U-Multirank ranking allows a complete qualification of European universities. Beyond a simple ranking, U-Multirank is a real interactive tool that allows the strengths of each establishment to emerge and to compare them with each other.


u-multirank.jpg, par jfages

The five main criteria

  • teaching
  • research
  • knowledge transfer
  • internationalization
  • regional location