Practical information
You will find here all the practical information you need to prepare your journey to France and IMT Mines Albi.
Depending on your nationality, your situation and the length of your stay, you may need to obtain a visa to study at IMT Mines Albi.
To find out if you need a visa and how to obtain one,
click HERE.
For students who have obtained a long-stay visa valid as a residence permit (VLS-TS), this visa must be validated online within 3 months of arrival in France, on the government website. For more information on migration procedures, please contact the Campus France space near you, or consult the Campus France website.
Several insurances have to be taken out both before departure and after arrival in France.
Prior to departure
All international students admitted to IMT Mines Albi must take out repatriation insurance which will cover them for the duration of their stay in France.
the CVEC, Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus ("Student and Campus Life Contribution"), is mandatory to enroll at IMT Mines Albi. It costs 91 euros per year and can be paid online by connecting HERE.
On arrival
Once enrolled, all students must register free of charge with the French student healthcare system. More information HERE
Compulsory student healthcare reimburses only part of your healthcare expenses, and certain costs, such as hospitalization or a visit to a specialist doctor, can be quite expensive. To obtain better coverage, it is strongly recommended that you take out a student health insurance top-up policy as soon as you arrive in France.
home and personal liability insurance is mandatory to cover the accommodation, its contents and the civil liability of the occupant, whether the student is housed in a studio apartment offered by the school or elsewhere.
The university residences of IMT Mines Albi allow for accommodation of all international engineering students. Students will receive an accommodation certificate before their arrival in France.
More information about the IMT Mines Albi residences HERE
Student Life
The school offers its students a number of associations enabling them to get involved in a wide range of cultural, sporting and charitable activities. Find the complete list of associations on the Bureau Des Elèves (BDE) website.
International students may also participate in the events organized by the association Internation’Albi, which aims to integrate foreign students living in Albi, to promote dialogue and cultural discovery and to encourage international mobility of French students from Albi.