Innov’Action Missions

"Working together to innovate is a way to build resilience"

Teaching for sustainable innovation (MIA)

Innovating means offering a desirable value for real users, which is technically feasible and economically viable. At IMT Mines Albi, emphasis is placed on “sustainable” innovation, the type that supports economic, social, cultural and environmental resilience.


MIA, par csuderie

At the heart of this teaching is the Innov'Action Mission (MIA) proposed by a project initiator and led by a team of students:

  • 5 months, from September to February

  • 200 students

  • 180 hours of work per student (both present at the school and in self-study)

  • Between 25 and 35 project initiators (companies, associations, local authorities)

  • 14 to 16 tutors at the School and around 60 identified experts

  • 2 training managers (teaching and partner relations)


The best projects are selected according to three criteria:

  1. The students’ respect for copyright and image rights
  2. The agreement of the project initiators for publication
  3. The production quality of the students

Full details of MIA

Missions Innov'Action - En un mot, by jfages