IMT Mines Albi cited at the France-Mexico Forum for Research and Higher Education

On March 27 and 28, IMT Mines Albi took part in the France-Mexico Forum for Research and Higher Education, held in Mexico.

27 March 2023

The aim of this forum is to establish the state of play, share views on the attractiveness of academic cooperation and anticipate the challenges to come.

IMT Mines Albi, a key partner for Mexican institutions

During their academic career, IMT Mines Albi students benefit from a wide range of international agreements enabling them to study abroad on an exchange program or via a dual degree with prestigious universities. During the France-Mexico Forum for Research and Higher Education, the dual-degree programs developed with the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua were cited as outstanding examples.

The dual degree represents a genuine boost for the internationalization of higher education institutions. At IMT Mines Albi, these programs generate a growing flow of international students and will be expanded further.

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Assises Franco-Mexicaine.jpg, par jfages