Celebrating the 30th anniversary of IMT Mines Albi

30 November 2023

Odile Gauthier, Executive Director of l'Institut Mines-Télécom and Lionel Luquin, Director of IMT Mines Albi, are pleased to invite you to the campus to celebrate the 30th anniversary of IMT Mines Albi.

Thursday, November 30, 2023
IMT Mines Albi Campus



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With an eye to the future, IMT Mines Albi invites you to a day of celebration at the heart of its campus to discover its technologies and innovations for tackling the challenges of ecological transition and digital transformation.


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  • 9 a.m.: Welcome and opening remarks 
  • 10 a.m.: Round table discussion

Research, training, innovation: the triptych for positive change and responsible reindustrialization?

The growing scarcity of natural resources, ecological demands, the questioning of consumption patterns, the need for sovereignty in certain sectors, and the devitalization of certain communities are all urging us to reinvent industry based on a low-carbon, more local, socially responsible, and economically successful model. Rising to this challenge of sustainable growth means rethinking traditional approaches, offering us the potential to change our future, give new meaning to progress, explore new development models, and examine new ways of cooperating. This is achieved through research — an essential ingredient in all progress — and the innovation it fosters, which in turn drives the development of clean, efficient production processes and stimulates the emergence of responsible products and business models. Lastly, it involves training to equip businesses with the expertise they need to implement innovations and ensure that their activities continue to develop in a sustainable way.
But how can these three major ingredients be coordinated to meet the challenge of industrial revival and sustainable growth? Is networking among the various stakeholders (researchers, schools, companies, institutional bodies, citizens, and so on) not one of the prerequisites? Are local communities not the most appropriate scale for achieving this? Can they be the best demonstrators of the possibilities offered by this industrial revival?


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These are just some of the fascinating questions we are inviting you to discuss at this round-table event co-hosted by Serge Darrieumerlou, an expert in innovation and business transformation, whose past roles include Director of Innovation at Décathlon and Somfy, and Managing Director at Somfy France. He is also co-author of the books Osez la transformation permanente: Comment réinventer l’EnTrePrise (“Taylor is Dead: Lead your Business Transformation”) and Recroissance: entre croissance et décroissance, une nouvelle voie (“Regrowth: Between Growth and Decline There Is a New Way”).

He will be joined by scientific, managerial, and innovation experts from IMT Mines Albi and its partner companies.

Find out more about Serge Darrieumerlou

Serge Darrieumerlou is a recognized expert in the field of innovation and business transformation. He is best known for his contribution to driving innovation at Decathlon, where in the early 2000s he created the Decathlon Innovation Platform, known for its innovative product launches such as the 2-Second Tent and the Easybreath snorkeling mask. This world-famous platform promotes open innovation and collaboration with customers, research centers, industrial partners and startups, pushing the boundaries of innovation to make sport accessible to as many people as possible. 

He is also co-author, with Laurence Darrieumerlou, his wife and partner, of the best-selling book Osez la transformation permanente: Comment réinventer l’EnTrePrise and the English adaptation Taylor is Dead: Lead your Business Transformation. In this book, they share their experience and expertise on transformation and innovation strategies. The book offers practical advice and inspiring ideas on how to rethink and reinvent businesses, to unleash the energy and creativity needed to tackle present-day challenges and remain competitive in an ever-changing environment.

In November 2021, they published their second book RECROISSANCE: entre croissance et décroissance un nouvelle voie (Regrowth: Between Growth and Decline There Is a New Way), in which they rethink the role companies play in the world, serving people and the planet, and helping to create an economy of shared prosperity.

Serge Darrieumerlou is an influential player in the world of innovation and business transformation, and he has made a significant contribution to creating new approaches and opportunities for organizations seeking to thrive in a rapidly changing world.


  • 11:30 a.m.: Visits to IMT Mines Albi’s three training and research centers

How does IMT Mines Albi help organizations break down technological barriers and innovate with its partners? Take a tour of IMT Mines Albi’s training and research centers:

  • 12:45 p.m.: Cocktail lunch

AN AFTERNOON EXPERIENCE IN IMT: Exploring the new hybrid campus

  • 2 p.m.: Official opening of the first hybrid campus shared by l'Institut Mines-Télécom and Georgia Institute of Technology

  • 3 p.m.–4:30 p.m.: Two workshops to explore the future of training:
    • Virtual tour: the campus from every angle
    • Pedagogical experience: training courses and content


An event organized in partnership with


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