Fields of expertise

In a symbiotic relationship with the world around it, IMT Mines Albi has chosen to specialize in niches of expertise that are both innovative and full of future promise,  directly related to its laboratories, its courses and its economic development

  •  Materials and process for aeronautics and space


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Urbanization, demographics, climate: the world is changing, ways of life are accelerating, sustainable development is changing consciences and behaviour patterns. We don’t move around today as we did yesterday; transport is evolving.

Immersed in these issues since its creation, IMT Mines Albi intervenes in sectors inherent to the mobility of the future: automobiles, aeronautics, space. The school targets its scientific, educational and economical expertise on imagining and creating safer and greener materials, structures and processes:  more durable alloys, shape-retaining in extreme conditions, recyclable or coming from energy-efficient, re-usable resources.

Directly linked to our ICA Albi Laboratory  the Engineering of Advanced Materials and Structures option of our undergraduate engineering course, the SIMMA and SENMBA options of our engineering apprenticeship course, the AMPAS specialized masters, and our MIMAUSA platform.



  • Biomass engineering, waste and renewable energy


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Designing cleaner processes, optimising energy consumption, taking advantage of wastes to manufacture new products... a planetary issue which is developing alongside increased public awareness and new behaviour.

Industry is at the heart of the matter with the development of new innovative processes: cleaner, efficient in the consumption of perishable resources, allowing the re-use of wastes and emitting less CO2 into the atmosphere.
IMT Mines Albi bases its activity on these themes to work towards a ‘positive’ and ‘circular’ economy: optimizing the energy and environmental efficiency of industrial facilities but also promoting and integrating renewable energies into industrial processes.

Directly linked to our  RAPSODEElaboratory are the Eco-activity and Energy option of our engineering course, the BE+ specialized masters; BIWEM and our VALTHERA platform



  • Bio-health and powder engineering


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The biological mechanisms in play, the way our body assimilates what it consumes and what we apply on it: food, medicine, cosmetics…these are all things we have better knowledge of today.

Industrial innovations in the powder sector have a big part to play: safer and healthier food processes, more effective and better tolerated medicines. The GALA® platform, run by the RAPSODEE research centre, was designed to provide better answers to the industrial expectations of the pharmaceutical industry and of the training course devoted to it. IMT Mines Albi focuses its expertise and resources on discovering new ‘clean’ techniques that can be industrially applied.

Directly related to our RAPSODEE laboratory are the Bio-health engineering option of our undergraduate engineering course, the SIPHASS option of our engineering apprenticeship course, the Pharmacist-engineer double diploma and our GALA platform, located in Castres.



  • Organization dynamics


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Increasingly connected and interconnected, organizations are dependent on information and communication technology. As a bearer of strategic data, information is now at the heart of processes and systems.

Faultless logistics, economic sustainability... information has to be able to circulate without interruption, especially in case of emergencies. The teaching provided by IMT Mines Albi, the research carried out in this field by the School and the actions performed for economic or humanitarian organisations are pushing in the direction of better performance, better mastery of information systems and a more accurate management of risks and knowledge.

Directly linked to our Industrial Engineering center are the Industrial Engineering, Information processes and Systems option of our engineering course, the SCALE masters of science, the DNM MILES and our IOMEGA and IOMEGAVR platforms.